What is sales enablement? Why Is It Important?

What is sales enablement
What is sales enablement


Sales enablement is a relatively new term in the world of business. It is the process of improving salespeople’s effectiveness through training, coaching, and mentoring.

Sales enablement is a function that helps sales teams sell more effectively and strategically. It’s not just about the technology they use or resources they have access to, but also about how your company’s sales team can better align with the overall business strategy. 

This post will explore what sales enablement is, why it matters for your company, and how it can help you bring in more revenue faster than ever before.

What is sales enablement?

Sales enablement provides resources for your sales team to be more effective and efficient in their jobs. The term “sales enablement” refers to the process of providing them with the tools, training, and support they need to sell effectively. It’s a way to help your sales team be more successful by giving them everything they need from discovery through implementation.

It includes everything that supports and accelerates the selling effort short of product knowledge and basic job training within the scope or role of a salesperson.

  • Sales enablement can be defined as anything that prepares a salesperson to sell.
  • Content is a key component of sales enablement, but it’s not the whole story.
  • Tools are also a critical component of enabling salespeople to sell effectively.
  • So too is a process, which helps ensure that all the elements of your approach come together to make your overall strategy work efficiently and effectively at scale.

How has the function of sales enablement evolved?

In the same way that sales has evolved, so too has marketing and sales enablement. In its earliest form, sales enablement was more of a reactive function that supported sales teams to do their job.

The focus was on providing them with leads and opportunities to convert, but there wasn’t much emphasis placed on driving revenue or helping people buy.

Nowadays, however, we’re seeing a shift toward enabling revenue growth through proactive work—and this means taking an active role in helping prospects find value in your product or service before they even approach you for help with anything related to it!

Sales enablement is quickly becoming one of the most important tools for businesses looking to grow their bottom line by increasing revenue through improved performance by their employees (including themselves).

Sales Enablement Function

To drive ROI, the sales enablement function must be structured with the right people and processes in place.

  • The right people: Sales enablement teams should be made up of the most senior people in marketing, sales, and operations who can mobilize resources across departments.
  • The right processes: A structured approach to content creation is key for efficiently creating relevant training materials.
  • The right technology: Sales enablement tools need to be flexible enough to support multiple types of content and delivery methods, while also providing insight into how they are being consumed by your audience so that you can continually optimize their performance over time.
  • The right content: Content should align with your business goals; prioritize topics based on what your customers want or need at any given time; include both B2B and B2C material; cover multiple levels of detail (from high-level overviews all the way down to granular details); be available on demand via an app or website; be created using templates that ensure consistency across channels; integrate with other systems like CRM software so you have access at all times

What does sales enablement do?

What does sales enablement do?

The idea behind sales enablement is that if you train your salespeople properly, they’ll be able to close more deals, which will lead to more revenue for your company. It’s a win-win situation: You get more money, and your salespeople get better jobs!

Sales Enablement Provides Training and Resources to Salespeople.

Sales enablement provides training and resources to salespeople so they can perform at their best.

This function can be internal or it can be outsourced to a third party, but either way, the goal is to help your sales team achieve its goals.

In-person training is usually done by experts in the field and covers everything from product knowledge to communication skills.

Online training may also be available through learning management systems (LMS). An LMS is a software platform that allows you to create learning plans for your company’s employees, who then complete those courses online as part of their daily work responsibilities.

Training can take place informally or formally; an informal learning environment might include webinars, conferences, or online forums where employees gather information about how best practices apply specifically within your industry niche or industry verticals (i.e., healthcare vs finance).

Formalized training programs include classroom sessions led by instructors who are experts in specific areas of expertise such as account planning methods used by software development companies like IBM’s Watson Analytics division or data scientist roles within marketing departments at Fortune 500 companies like PepsiCo Incorporated. These classes may emphasize process efficiency over personal skill-building since there’s less time available for each student before moving onto another topic later on down the road.”

Sales enablement provides marketing materials for the sales team.

One of the primary roles of sales enablement is to provide marketing materials for the sales team.

Marketing materials include brochures, case studies, whitepapers, and any other informational pieces that can be used to help educate prospects. These documents are usually created by marketing teams, but they don’t necessarily have to be: they could also be generated internally by technical writers or even salespeople themselves.

Regardless, the goal is always the same: provide enough information about your product so that prospects want to learn more from you rather than from competitors.

Marketing documents should be used throughout phases of the sales process, from pre-sales activities like sending out proposals and RFPs all the way through post-sale activities like educating customers about new features or products, and will likely differ depending upon what stage in this process you’re at when presenting them (e.g., if it’s early on during discovery phase).

Sales enablement helps your sales team get to know your company better.

Sales enablement is the process of helping your sales team get to know your company better. There are many different ways that you can accomplish this, but here are a few ideas:

  • Introduce the company and its history, including the mission statement and values.
  • Explain how marketing materials fit into the larger picture of what it means to be part of this organization. This may include things like brochures and catalogs, but also include any other material that helps explain what makes you unique or special.
  • Discuss with them any training materials that have been created for use by customers who have already purchased from you (e.g., product manuals). These documents can be used as an example for new hires who are learning about selling products in person; having examples on hand makes it much easier when explaining how things should work!

Sales enablement helps you recruit better candidates.

Sales enablement is a great way to attract top talent. When you’re able to provide candidates with training, resources, and marketing materials—and when you can show your current employees the kinds of career opportunities that are available within your organization—you create an environment where top salespeople want to work.

Sales enablement also helps you retain your current team members.

If they feel like they’re being left behind in terms of training and development, they’re going to look for another opportunity where they can grow their skillset and move up the ladder more quickly.

Sales enablement makes sure that doesn’t happen by ensuring all employees receive the training they need on a regular basis so that their skills are always sharpened.

By investing in sales enablement, you can support your sales team and give them the tools they need to succeed.

Sales enablement is a cross-functional, company-wide initiative that helps you recruit better candidates, train your sales team and provide marketing materials for them. It’s also a way to get to know your company better.

By investing in sales enablement, you can support your sales team and give them the tools they need to succeed.

What is the difference between Sales Enablement and Sales Support

A key difference between sales enablement and sales support is the primary focus of each. Sales enablement focuses on helping members of the sales team do their jobs better, while sales support focuses on improving the customer experience.

Sales enablement helps improve processes, which can lead to more consistent results and more satisfied customers.

For example, if your company needs to improve its product packaging or change its delivery process so that it’s easier for customers to order products online, and those changes are made, then those improvements will be reflected in a higher number of orders being placed by consumers.

Sales support focuses on improving the user experience by making sure that product information is readily available so that potential customers can easily find what they need when they’re trying to make a buying decision.

Sales support is customer-centric. It’s focused on improving the customer experience. Sales enablement, by contrast, is more internal process and procedure oriented. It looks at how to optimize internal systems to ensure that they are working well together to provide a great customer experience.

Sales enablement can be an important part of your overall sales strategy, but it’s not enough by itself. You need both sales enablement and sales support if you want to win over customers who rely on their relationships with your company for all kinds of services and information throughout the year (and beyond).

What are the benefits of sales enablement?

What are the benefits of sales enablement

Increase sales productivity

The benefits of sales enablement include increased productivity and productivity. Sales teams are more efficient, effective, and productive when they have access to the tools that help them achieve their goals. It’s easier for your reps to stay organized with the right software at their disposal, so you can see a marked improvement in their productivity as well as yours.

Close more deals

Sales enablement can help you close more deals by improving your sales process, skills, and team.

Sales enablement is the act of helping a salesperson to achieve their goals, whether they be creating more leads or closing more deals. Whatever your goal may be, there are some benefits that come with using sales enablement:

  • More revenue – by improving your overall revenue per sale, you can increase company profits and growth. This is done by ensuring that each lead has an opportunity to convert into a customer. By providing this support for sales reps, you increase conversion rates on existing customers as well as acquire new ones through effective lead-generation campaigns.
  • Improved productivity – bettering workplace productivity will reduce costs while increasing profits by making sure all employees are working at peak performance levels during work hours (or any other time they spend using company resources). If everyone is working effectively together toward common goals then overall productivity increases which directly impacts profitability over time!

Improve customer experience

To satisfy customers and make them happy, you have to be sure that you are providing them with the best service possible.

When a customer is not satisfied, they may become frustrated or even angry. This will lead to them leaving your company and going somewhere else where they can get better service.

In order to keep your customers happy, it is important that you train all of your sales reps on how to provide excellent customer service. One benefit of this is that it improves their productivity because they know how to approach different types of customers with ease and confidence. Additionally, when a sales rep has greater knowledge about your product or service, he or she will be able to answer any questions that may arise during an interaction with a potential client. This gives him/her more credibility and makes him/her appear more professional in front of current clients and potential ones too!

Sales enablement can increase sales in your company.

Sales enablement can help you increase sales in your company. It will improve productivity, close more deals and improve the customer experience.

Sales enablement helps you get more results from your efforts. If you have the right tools, it’s easier to achieve your goals or achieve them faster than before.

How does sales enablement drive revenue?

Sales enablement is a strategy to increase the productivity of your sales team. It helps you do this by:

  • improving your sales performance (e.g. increasing revenue and reducing cost)
  • increasing pipeline velocity (i.e., how fast you’re closing deals) and closing more deals at a higher margin
  • shortening the length of time it takes for a prospect to become a customer, which reduces costs associated with that lead and improves customer satisfaction with your brand

By focusing on these four areas, you can increase overall revenue while also increasing customer satisfaction and retention rates.

Enable your sales team to sell better, faster, and smarter.

Sales enablement is a set of processes, tools, and people that help your sales team to be more effective. It’s a way to help your sales team sell better, faster, and smarter – by providing them with the right information at the right time.

The best sales enablement platforms are designed to help your sales team sell better, faster, and smarter.

They provide your salespeople with the information they need to close more deals – but only when they need it. The right sales enablement solution will make sure that your salespeople have all the information they need when they need it – so they don’t waste time on research or hunting down data points that are out of date.

Sales Enablement Tools

With most of the sales team now remote, it is essential that sales enablement tools are a key part of the communications strategy. Sales enablement tools are crucial for communication, productivity, and effectiveness. They drive sales success by providing valuable resources for your staff to access to help them with their day-to-day activities

Sales Enablement Tools allow you to:

  • Increase productivity by providing pre-built templates and automated email templates
  • Reduce call deflection rates by having accurate contact details at hand
  • Drive better customer service with live chat capabilities

With so many options out there, it can be difficult to choose the right one for your organization. Consider these top five sales enablement tools and how they might fit into your company’s workflows:


HubSpot is a popular choice among companies because it provides everything from sales CRM software to marketing campaigns, enabling teams to work together seamlessly. This can make it easier for sales reps to close deals faster.


Marketo is another tool that helps teams collaborate on projects through online collaboration spaces called “communities.”

These communities allow marketers and other team members who aren’t involved in creating content directly access necessary information about their projects so they don’t fall behind.


Zendesk is a customer support platform that gives teams visibility into all of their customers’ tickets regardless of where they were created or by whom–an advantage when trying to solve problems quickly!


DocuSign allows users to sign documents remotely via email attachments or links shared through Slack channels (which we’ll talk more about later). This means no more printing forms out at home before heading into an office meeting – just send an attachment over Slack with instructions as needed!


Slack is a messaging platform designed for teams.

It allows users to create separate channels for different projects or topics, allowing team members to easily collaborate on different aspects of their business without being distracted by unrelated conversations.

Slack also has integrations with many other productivity apps and services, which makes it easy for users to send important information from those platforms directly into their Slack channels.

By using these tools, businesses can create a more seamless customer experience. This is especially important when it comes to issues that require collaboration between departments or outside partners.


The increasing demand for sales enablement is a clear indication that it’s time to stop treating sales as an isolated function and start thinking about sales in an integrated way. Sales enablement is not just for big enterprise companies anymore—it’s the key to unlocking greater value from your existing resources, empowering them with the tools they need to succeed. Now more than ever before, you need a good strategy and plan in place if you want to thrive in this competitive environment.

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